The YAGEL developed by EPOTOS Group is a fire-extinguishing fire-protective gel formed by mixing solutions of potassium carbonate and magnesium chloride or its crystal hydrate.
Scope of application:
- Extinguishing Lithium-Ion Batteries
- Extinguishing installations under voltage up to 1000 V
- Class A fire extinguishing, including ABS plastic, rubber, coal, as well as spills of flammable and combustible liquids on the surface
- High thermal insulation properties (reduction of heat flow by 16 times)
- Ecologically safe fire extinguishing composition
- Operating temperature conditions from -40 to +50°С
- Total volume of NGOS-K-40: from 23.8 to 25.0 l
- Total volume of NGOS-M-40: from 23.8 to 25.0 l
- Minimum rank of a model class A fire outbreak: 3А 4А
- Value of leakage current along the jet: 0,5 mA
- Jet length: 4m
- Nominal working pressure in vessels with fire-retardant gel: 1,2 MPa
- The force required to remove the locking device with a finger: 100 H
- Service life of a fire extinguisher: 10 years
We sell a license to use the invention «DEVICE FOR GASEOUS FIRE EXTINCTION AND GAS-GENERATING COMPOSITION» in your country.
International patent application:
The PCT now has 157 Contracting States