Development and production of fire extinguishing means and systems


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Basic properties

  • Can use on vehicles
  • Operation temperature: -50...+95°C
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Manual start button PATS

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Manual start button PATS

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Design solution.  Fire extinguishing in manual and autonomous start-up modes

Structure of the system:

No. Modifications of UPSP Use
1 Generator of fire extinguishing aerosol GEA «Doping-2.160p»
  • fire extinguishing upon activation of the built-in thermal cord and release into the protected volume of the fire extinguishing aerosol charge;
  • fire extinguishing when electric impulse is applied to contacts of the electric activator
2 Manual start button PATS
  • launching of fire-extinguishing means by the driver

In the fire-hazardous compartments (engine compartment, heater compartment) of the vehicle, GEA «Doping-2.160p» is installed. Starting wires are laid in the driver’s cab and displayed on the start button of the PATS.

GEA «Doping-2.160p» can trigger itself from the thermo-start cord (self-service mode), or when the PATS button is pressed by the driver, in case of visual detection of a fire.

Limitations on the functionality of the kit:

  • visual detection of a fire by the driver (only by external signs). GOA «Doping-2.160p» in this situation will fire one at a time, as the fire spreads. Since «Doping-2.160p» is a means of volumetric quenching, a single operation of GOA, if installed more than one, may not create the necessary extinguishing concentration and not extinguish the fire that has arisen;
  • there is no constant control of the start loop of GOA «Doping-2.160p». If the starting wires are disconnected from the PATS button to GOA, when the driver’s start button is turned on, the «Doping» will, of course, not be started.

Recommended area of ​​application:

  • engine compartments of cars, minibuses, PAZ buses, etc. Objects on which a fire arises in the immediate vicinity of the driver. Accordingly, the automatic fire detection and extinguishing system is redundant in this case.